March 09, 2025

Trump Cuts Funding to Columbia U.

Timothy Birdnow

Why are these big schools getting all this money in the first place?

Trump admin slashes $400 million in grants and contracts from Columbia University over attacks from anti-Israel protesters

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Hostin Calls for Violence

Timothy Birdnow

"Ain't No Sunshine Where She's Gone" Hostin is calling for violence against Republicans.

Hostin: Trump Presidency an ‘Existential Crisis,’ Dems Must Be Willing to ‘Fight and Die’

I seem to remember the J6 self-guided Capitol tour was called an "insurrection" and we were told it was caused by Trump's rhetoric. Well, what is this but incendiary and violent insurrectionist rhetoric?

Hostin says the Democrats don't know how to fight as opposition. That is true; they've always been in the majority, even when they are numerically fewer, because the media has always treated them as the majority and they just behave that way. Always have. When Republicans have run things they have never actually tried to accomplish anything in the past.

And apparently she doesn't remember the Democrats behaved this exact same way when George w. Bush was President. Ditto when Bush Sr. was boss, and under Reagan. It's nothing new.

All that is happening now is they are actually losing because they haven't updated their playbook (which goes back to Roosevelt) and it's just not working anymore. Why not? Technological innovation has helped,and also they have in many ways worked themselves out of a job (for instance, they have destroyed big labor by opening the borders) but mainly because Trump is not following the script. He's actually trying to win, something Republicans never did in times gone by. The Democrats are flabbergasted at this; it goes against all convention and tradition. Who do these Republicans think they are!

So they rage and scream and threaten. If they weren't doing this I would be worried.

So Sunless joins Joyless in the alt-reality world of the insane Liberal who simply cannot understand how they went too far and blew it. Good luck trying to figure that out Sunny, with your limited intellect!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Missouri Wins Against China

Timothy Birdnow

China owes the state of Missouri $24 billion dollars as a result of a lawsuit filed by state attorney general Andrew Bailey and he's going to seize their assets to force them to pay up.

From the article in Lifezette:

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced the ruling as a significant legal victory.

"This is a landmark victory for Missouri and the United States in the fight to hold China accountable for unleashing COVID-19 on the world,” Bailey said in a statement.

"China refused to show up to court, but that doesn’t mean they get away with causing untold suffering and economic devastation. We intend to collect every penny by seizing Chinese-owned assets, including Missouri farmland.”

The lawsuit, originally filed in 2020 by former Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, accused China of obstructing the production, purchase, and export of critical medical equipment, including personal protective equipment (PPE), at the height of the pandemic.

The case had faced legal challenges, including an initial dismissal by a lower court.

However, a court of appeals ruled in Missouri’s favor in January, reviving the lawsuit but limiting it to claims regarding supply hoarding.

So China not only unleashed this thing on the world and on the good state of Missouri but they also tried to impede efforts to protect our citizens. They need to be held accountable.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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According to Plan

Timothy Birdnow

The cracks are starting to appear in Canadian resolve.

Canadian Premier Danielle Smith Says Trudeau Blew Tariff Negotiations In First Mar-a-Lago Meeting

Remember, the U.S. economy is ten times the size of Canada's. This is a trade war they can't win.

Also, remember the point of many of these tariffs is to drive American production of the goods we do buy from Canada and Mexico. We'll start making stuff here and not rely on potentially fragile supply chains.

For instance we buy a lot of electricity from Canada. Why? They dam rivers that flow into the U.S. and generate power then sell it to us. We could have the dams ourselves and generate the same power but environmentalism has made that unappealing and so we've made outselves hostage to the Canucks and now we are seeing just why this IS a liability; they are threatening to cut this electricity off, or put a big surcharge on it.

Of course they need to sell the electricity as much as we need to buy it at this point. Embargoing electricity to the U.S. doesn't help the Canadian economy.

All this will do is get new energy projects up and running to avoid being hostage to Canada in the future.

And Mexico? Don't we want to move auto plants here rather than buy cars that were once American companies no made in Mexico?

This is all working according to plan.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Light Blogging Continues

Timothy Birdnow

Just a quick note; things are progressing slowly but surely on the home front and while it's going to be a while until I get back to daily blogging I'm getting there.

The wife is improving and should be doing much better in due course.

Please be patient and keep coming back; I'm going to post an occasion and it posting will grow as time goes by.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:58 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Why Europe Wants EndlessWar in Ukraine

Timothy Birdnow

The E.U. has method behind their madness in terms of their endless Ukraine war policy.

The E.U. Wants to Use War as an Excuse for More Debt


Such strategic independence needs money and investment—a lot of it—not only to boost defense but much else, like energy and innovation; areas in which Europe is lagging behind the US and China. In order to have the pretext to implement this spending plan, the idea among the EU elite is to make sure that the war in Ukraine does not end too quickly. That way the conflict can be used to justify artificially injecting much needed money into the moribund EU economies.

First, there was a question of providing €20 billion euros of additional military support for Ukraine and that the EU self-imposed fiscal rules to be loosened using the existing "escape clause” in the event of "exceptional” circumstances, such as the bogus "defense of Ukraine” excuse. As Bloomberg stated, "under this plan, EU nations would be exempt from debt and deficit limits when financing military expenditures. This marks a fundamental shift in EU financial policy, as such exemptions have previously been impossible under EU rules.”

Indeed, the EU elite does not want to follow the arbitrary EU fiscal rules: for Paris, the 3 percent limit of budget deficit to GDP is politically painful, and for Berlin, the limit of max 60 percent of GDP in terms of federal public borrowing seems like an artificial constraint.

Then there was a talk of a €700 billion euro defense package. Newsweek stated that: "Baerbock said the package could be worth some 700 billion euros ($732 billion).” French President Emmanuel Macron also confirmed this on March 2, 2025. "We will give a mandate to the European Commission to define our capacity needs for a common defense,” Macron said in an interview published in several French newspapers. "This massive funding will probably reach hundreds of billions of euros.”

The official slogan of "help Ukraine defend itself” will give the EU political and financial elite an excuse to turn on the spigots of the European Central Bank at full thrust again; to shower the entire European economy with "free” money, and shore up its fragile economies, like it did after the euro crisis of 2011, with the enormous covid recovery fund in 2021, as well as with the Green New Deal.

So it's being used to justify inflation. And then they can blame it all on that SOB Donald Trump.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 07, 2025

Waters Claims Fraud

Timothy Birdnow

Every time Donald Trump or any ally of his or even supporters such as myself said the election of 2020 was fixed we have been universally shouted down by the media "with no evidence" they add every time (despite there being all manner of evidence be it statistical analysis or eyewitness testimony or the very obvious fact that juries have sent Democrats to prison for vote fraud in that election). Yet little is said when a Democrat makes unfounded claims of fraud.

Take Stacey Abrams, who is STILL claiming she was cheated in 2018 despite absolutely no evidence to prove the assertion.The media still treats her as a respected political figure.

So now we have the very crazy Maxine Waters doing what she does best. She is screeching like a howler monkey about Elon Musk and his "high tech ass" "interfering with elections".

She said "we’re not going to give up in investigating and finding out.” In other words, if the Democrats take Congress in '26 the whole stinking pogrom comes back - investigations, interference, lawfare. And this is just Maxine being Maxine to the mainstream media.

"We don’t know everything that Elon Musk has done with his high-technology a**,” she said.

"We don’t know what he’s being accused of by some, as it may relate to the election, but we’re not going to give up in investigating and finding out.”

Rep. Maxine Waters: "Elon Musk with his high-tech ass may have hacked our last election”

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 5, 202


Strange how it's a major issue when MAGA people do it, "election denial" but it's just a fun diversion when a Democrat does.

I'd like someone to investigate Ms. Waters and see what  kind of fraud she's benefited from over the years, since she is so gung ho on stopping fraud.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:22 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 311 words, total size 2 kb.

March 06, 2025

Stealing America with Her Own Money

Timothy Birdnow

The Democrats are the kings of slush funds and subverting taxpayer money to get themselves elected.

$375B EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions to charities founded only months earlier

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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No Way Hyundai!

Timothy Birdnow

Hyundai is refusing to cancel DEI on the theory that the Democrats will come back into power and they will have the inside track, I suppose. Good luck with that.

DEI is wildly unpopular with consumers. It's main advocates are elites in Universities and activists.

Let me spell it out for these South Korean imbeciles running Hyundai; cancel DEI or we will cancel you. It's that simple. Hyundai sales will drop off if they push forward with this.

And if they refuse to follow the guidelines put in by the Trump Administration they may well wind up being defunded by America and being hit by tariffs to boot.

Go woke go broke. Continue to be woke and you become a joke.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:53 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Savings Rebate Likely

Timothy Birdnow

This may be politically popular but I don't think it's a good idea; we need to pay the debt down first.

Proposed DOGE Divident Could Become Law

Of course this could help in boosting the economy at this critical juncture, which may be more important. The politics of this are not to be dismissed; Trump needs to keep the political good will on his side and only relief from high prices will do that. He was elected to fix the economy as much as to close the border; he's done the latter but now needs to accomplish the former and that's going to be a much tougher nut to crack given the Biden spending is just starting to kick in and the strangulation of the economy has yet to come fully.

So perhaps this is the right approach. We've just got to stop blowing money and Congress needs to grow a spine.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:42 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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No Matter

Timothy Birdnow

More winning!

Trump Effect: Mayor of D.C. Renaming "Black Lives Matter Plaza”

Guess those black lives don't matter so much to the Democrats in the District after all!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A Few Thoughts on the Trump Address

Timothy Birdnow

Just a few quick thoughts on Trump's address to the Congress.

First, he handed them their lunches. He pointed out exactly why America is in the current dilemma it is in and placed the blame where it belonged. It's well past time someone did that.

A liberal family member complained about the speech, saying Trump was embarassing and combative. When did she expect? These were people who FRAMED him for false crimes and tried to put him in prison for no other reason than that he beat them. And they succeeded in at least one state court before a partisan judge. Why wouldn't Trump call them out? Why wouldn't he put pressure on them.

THEY understood that, which is why they went into this thing ready to disrupt the proceedings, which tthey did, most especially Rep. Al Green who stood there pointing a cane (which could be construed as a weapon and should have been taken away from him) and shouting over the President. I was thrilled to see Speaker Mike Johnson (who I usually call Tiny but won't this day) had the man tossed from the room. But they were abusive in other ways, booing and catcalling and waving pre-printed signs that said "LIES!" on them. Republicans have never done anything even remotely like that.

Anyone remember congressman Joe Wilson? He was the man who yelled "that's a lie" when Barack Obama was giving a similar address to a joint session of Congress - and t media and the Democrats exploded over the discourtesy. He was reprimanded by the House and by his own party for just one such outburst, and the media raged against this for months. Now all the Democrats were booing and hissing and trying to drown out Mr. Trump, and Al Green stood there shouting pejoratives at the man while pointing a weapon at him (and had to be rmoved by the Sargent-at-Arms) and it's suddenly TRUMP'S fault, you know, the guy who was twice targeted for assassination by crazed liberals.

The rules are a little different when you are a Democrat than those that apply to Republicans.

Fortunately there is a move in Congress to censure Green. They should censure all the Democrats, who behaved like spoiled children.

I mean, they couldn't applaud for a 13 year old boy with cancer, for crying out loud, because TRUMP honored him at the speech. How shameful is that? How petty?

They sat on their hands the entire night. I feared many of them would wind up with gangrene from cutting off the blood supply so long. Lines that should have gotten universal applause was met with stony silence from the Democrats in the gallery. Most had their heads down; they knew they were being destroyed politically at that speech but so fear the radicals in their party they dared not applaud the most basic propositions (like the U.S. is a great country).

And it showed; after the speech the public approval rating for it was waaay up.

Trump renewed calls for most of his projects and particularly concentrated on Ukraine and the need to for peace in the region.

I won't go through the laundry list but there wasn't really anything that new. How could there be? Trump immediately set out to actually enact what he planned; he didn't jaw it to death first.

At any rate Trump had complete control of the speech and the attempts to disrupt it only made the Democrats look petty and childish.

The very fact that the media is not taking a victory lap proves this point. They are trying to hide the truth now. I saw a piece in Yahoo News claiming this speech was horribly unpopular because only 44% of respondants were EXTREMELY IMPRESSED with it, while another thirty percent were just impressed! That's how far they are reaching now.

It's sad; a whole political party has turned completely anti-American and can't even applaud the most basic statements of support for the nation. And the media is basically a bunch of traitors, looking for anything they can find to tear America and her chosen President down.

Watch for another assassination attempt on Trump in the coming months.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:28 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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March 04, 2025

A Short Hiatus

Timothy Birdnow

I see Dana filled everyone in about my hiatus. It's going to continue at least through the rest of the week, alas. I am going to be tied up probably every day until she gets out of the hospital into rehab.

But I promise to return. Most blogs like this eventually closed because the author/editor tired of laboring with no return, but not me. I find it therapeutic and like the fans we have here (the few who are left anyway.) So I give you my word of honor I will, like MacArthur,  return!  Please be patient and check back in a few days.

Thank you all  for your kindness, prayers, support, and for reading.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 05:50 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 02, 2025

No blogging Tomorrow

Timothy Birdnow

Sorry gang; I'm tied up all day tomorrow. I should be back in the saddle on Tuesday or so.

Stay tuned.

North-central States Editor Dana Mathewson puts his tuppence in here:
Tim's wife Cathy is currently "in hospital," as they say in the U.K., having had about six hours of surgery to repair some cancer today (3/3/2025). He called me this evening, quite upbeat, and said that she is now "resting comfortably," as they say, though she'd certainly be more comfortable if she hadn't had to go through all this stuff. She'll likely be there until Friday, he says; meanwhile he's home catching up on some sleep.
He'll be keeping me posted. I'll let him call me so as not to interrupt him if he's sleeping, eating, or more important, attending her in the hospital.
I would certainly ask for prayers from those of you who are so inclined to offer them! And bless you for doing so!
More news as it become available.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:31 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Ukrainian Honeypot

Timothy Birdnow

How Zelensky and the Internationalists plan to retake all former Ukrainian territory by drawing the U.S. into a war with Russia.

From Conservative Treehouse:

"The broader ‘western’ intelligence actors have been in control of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s activity in the conflict with Russia. The outline of their plan is within the statements delivered by the Ukrainian leader, we just have to accept them.

The people who control Ukraine, Intelligence Community, CIA, elements of U.S. State Dept., NATO, EU Commission and the private sector banks and World Economic Forum investment handlers, do not want to accept a Ukraine-Russia ceasefire or peace agreement.

This aforementioned network of influence agents specifically does not want President Trump and President Putin to come to terms, because they well understand the regional territory of Ukraine will not return. However, if you look closely at the demand by Ukraine for U.S. troops as the contingency for "security guarantees” the outline of a scheme is clear.


It’s a trap!

As soon as U.S. troops enter the equation on the ground in Russia, particularly as the buffer force in the point of conflict between Ukranian and Russian military, there will be some intentional event created to harm U.S. troops and thrust the USA NATO alliance in direct combat with Russia.

This is the element of Zelenskyy’s greatest need. If U.S. troops are killed or drawn into combat, an escalated war against Russia becomes the tool to get all the captured territory back. The outline is clear.

It doesn’t need to be Russia attacking U.S-led NATO troops, it only needs to be the impression of Russia attacking to create the horrific narrative. The global intelligence network is very skilled at creating the optics of conflict and assigning blame to the wrong actors. This is what they have done in the past in various regional conflicts in order to achieve the result.

One immediate way we can tell this is the objective would be for various media to finally begin broadcasting directly from the line of conflict, the militarized zone that would divide Ukraine territory from Russia-controlled territory. Currently, the Ukraine war is the only regional war-zone where there is literally no on-the-ground reporting by western media; that would change as part of the IC approach.

President Trump instinctively knows the Zelenskyy demand for U.S. troops as the security guarantee is dangerous; it pulls us deeper into the possibility of conflict. The U.S. military industrial complex would love to see our military involved in Ukraine, and the overwhelming membership of the U.S. political deep state also support it.

Without the USA, a false flag operation to frame the Russians for attacking EU troops does not carry the same weight. It is both alarming and maddening to accept this likely scenario scheming through the minds of those who have controlled the Ukraine mess for the past several years.

Thankfully, President Trump appears to be fundamentally against the proposition for U.S. military involvement.

We should be clear-eyed about what Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the bad actors are trying to create."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:22 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Why the Europeans Want War

Timothy Birdnow

So,why are the Europeans so eager to keep this Ukraine war going?

Here is an essay by Steve Eichler making a very strong case.


"GOLD! The EU holds massive portions of Russia’s gold and foreign exchange reserves, which have been frozen as part of sanctions. Ukraine currently uses these assets to fund its military and economic needs, but there are ongoing discussions about outright confiscation. To be frank, they want to keep the gold forever and then grab Ukraine in the process!

The Troll Under the Bridge is a child’s story, but it carries the truth about the boogeyman and the danger of the unknown element. That story serves as a good example of how maintaining the perception of Russia as an existential threat serves a dual purpose.

First, it justifies continued military expenditures and deeper European integration under the guise of collective security.

Second, it helps European leaders deflect domestic dissatisfaction amid economic crises, rising unemployment, and public unrest over increasing crime rates fueled by mass migration.

The European Union, often criticized as an artificial construct built on liberal economic policies, faces internal turmoil. To prevent further fragmentation, European politicians rely on the external enemy narrative to maintain unity. This strategy has historically proven effective in uniting populations behind their governments, even during periods of economic decline.

In the name of danger, the European Union welcomed the multibillion-dollar fresh and delicious American dollars into the heart of Europe but never dreamed those very dollars would be the catalyst to bring President Trump into the mix and quickly grab the right to mine rare earths, harvest vast resources, and possibly control the very breadbasket of Europe."

The author rightly points out that the European elite want their share of the booty they think can be scammed from Ukraine. But his main and best point is that the E.U. is a Frankenstein's monster cobbled together from countries that have traditionally neither liked nor tolerated each-other. The binding force is money and fear of Russian aggression. The end of the Cold War hurt the cohesion of the E.U. and the influx of aliens, particualrly Middle-Eastern immigrants, is wildly unpopular in most European nations but very popular with the European ruling class. They fear an anti-immigration backlash and so have to find another thing to make the villagers quake with fear. They are just recycling an old, old playbook.

And the internationalists in general want to bleed Russia dry, to force her into their New World Order, put her under the thumb of the international bankers and others on the Continent.If Russia goes bankrupt and Putin is forced out then they can go in to "rebuild" her and turn Russia into another province in the International state they are building.

The Ukraine is in a very strategic position in Eastern Europe, controlling access to Russian as well as Central Asian oil and gas. Ukraine has plenty of untapped oil and gas of her own, plus the best agricultural land in the region. The Europeans lust after all of that, as does Russia. The Ukrianian People are just the eggs that must be broken to make the omelet.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:48 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Trump to Pardon Pete Rose

Timothy Birdnow

Donald Trump to posthumously pardon Pete Rose.

Rose messed up, no question, but it should not obscure the rest of a long and honorable and successful career forever.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:54 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Ukrainians Chastise Zelensky

Timothy Birdnow

Zelensky's childish outburst in the Oval Office might cost him dearly, and he's taking heat from members of parliament in the war-ravaged country.

From Breitbart:

"Oleksiy Goncharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada parliament in Kyiv, lamented that Ukraine’s relationship with President Trump came to an "end” on Friday after a heated White House meeting in which President Zelensky was accused of being "disrespectful” to the U.S. leader and the American people.

Goncharenko wrote on Facebook that it was "absolute idiocy to start ARGUING with the President of the United States in front of the cameras,” adding that "it can be done and probably should be done, but not in front of cameras.”

The Ukrainian MP, who sits with the European Solidarity bloc of former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in the parliament, went on to warn that Zelensky’s behaviour on Friday could have "very bad consequences” for Ukraine.

Goncharenko said that such consequences could include a potential shut down of Elon Musk’s Starlink internet access to the Ukrainian armed forces to even an end of Washington sharing intelligence with Kyiv, both of which have been critical for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

The Ukrainian lawmaker added, "Zelensky has put millions of people at risk, and it’s madness.”

Goncharenko also appeared to agree with President Trump’s conclusion that Zelensky was not prepared for peace, writing: "This time, it’s not only Putin’s choice. He wants a war it’s totally obvious. But on February 28, this choice – the choice of war – was also made by the Ukrainian leader. Zelensky. It’s his common choice with Putin.”

The fallout from Zelensky’s disastrous meeting with President Trump on Friday has not been contained to the political sphere, with critiques also reportedly coming from the Ukrainian military. Time magazine has cited an unnamed colonel in the Ukrainian armed forces in Kyiv who, upon seeing the news of the meeting, said: "Well done… He pushed back, you have to respect that… But now we’re f—ed.”'


You don't bite the hand that feeds.

BTW as Tom Radout points out at Townhall, what Zelensky needs is not more weapons but a visit to Men's Warehouse. If the man dressed like a professional he'd feel like one and thus behave like one. His attire is insulting at the Oval Office when meeting with the President; you don't show up at the WH for an important meeting with the leader of the free world dressed like you just left a honkey-tonk. Sloppy dress makes for sloppy thinking and beahvior; it's why the military wears uniforms, or why Catholic schools make kids wear them.

Zelensky looks like he just got off of a canoe trip.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:52 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 451 words, total size 3 kb.

Widespread Cheating at Air Force Academy

Timothy Birdnow

They should all be given Dishonorable Discharges, at a minimum.

Widespread Cheating Discovered at the Air Force Academy

This is no different than the plagiarism scandals at Harvard and other Ivy League institutions, except it involves what should be the most honorable of all educational outlets. If the military does not demand honesty of it's members, if the concept of "an officer and a gentleman" is simply trashed, what do we expect will happen?

Oh wait; "honor" and "gentlemen" are such passe' ideas, not suited for us modern Americans!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Media Lied About Trans Soldiers

Timothy Birdnow

I assure you it's not just in the matter of transgendered troops; they've hugely inflated the number of trans people in general to promote this abominable concept.

Media Hugely Inflated Number of Transgender Troops

According to Breitbart:

"For the last decade, the establishment media have touted advocates’ claims that 15,000 transgender people are serving in the U.S. military.

But this week, President Donald Trump’s Pentagon revealed the transgender population is just 4,240 service members.

That adds up to one transgender person for every 500 service members in the United States military of 2.1 million active and reserve members.

That transgender share is just 0.2 percent, or one-fifth of one percent, of the military.

In football terms, the transgender share is just 8.6 inches on a 120-yard football field.

The media’s much-claimed 15,000 number is almost four times the Pentagon’s 2025 count of 4,240 self-declared transgender service members."

The media has done this for decades with any group they want to promote, and to disspirit the majority. You saw this with racial minorities being overrepresented on television and in commercials and whatnot. We have seen this with the homosexual community. Most people think a quareter of the population is gay and ten percent trans; the reality is at most 3.8% and that includes both gay and trans. Trans are a statistical blip, being well below 1% (0.3% to be precise). (Alfred Kinsey, who we now know was a sicko pervert, told us homosexuals account for 10% of the population, then a very dubious Gallup poll concluded it was 8%, but both of these are bogus. A later Gallup poll from 2012 concluded the number was 3% forhomosexuals.) I would add that polls show an increase in numbers among younger people who have been brainwashed to see lgbtq as a status symbol. They aren't gay; just want people to think they are because otherwise they the despised "normies" or "breeders".

We always get these high numbers from polls commissioned by activist groups and promoted by an activist media. But they are all lies and always have been.

As I stated they are designed to make the normal individual feel outnumbered, feel to be odd, in the minority, and want to jump on the bandwagon. It has largely worked with homosexuality which used to be something whispered about but is now fairly accepted in our modern society. Time was the Bible was the final word "neither homosexuals, nor the effeminate, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" but now it's "let it all hang out" and the promotion of the lifestyle by the media and the mandarins of culture have made it appear much larger than it is. It's a Potemkin Village. (For those who do not know, Tsarina Catherine the Great ordered her interior minister to build a bunch of new villages to house the peasants. He didn't do it. She decided to take a tour of them along the Dneiper and so Potenkin built a bunch of false front sets and had actors playing happy peasants. They moved the peasants down the river ahead of the Czarina's boat. It appeared like Potemkin did his job but in reality he faked the whole thing.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:30 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 539 words, total size 4 kb.

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